5 Powerful Tactics To Boost Your Startup Business With Video Content

March 29, 2022
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Every day, we watch almost 500 million hours of video online. Every company nowadays aspires to set a standard and distinguish itself from its competitors. With thriving marketing trends and tactics, we see the curve of change growing higher, with video content marketing taking the lead.

5 Powerful Tactics

1. Identifying The Core Goal of The Video

Before proceeding with the content, this section has two significant aspects that must be considered. Foremost, it’s critical to understand what sets your company unique to the competition.

The second step is to determine what type of video content can benefit your company’s marketing efforts. You can move on to the following phase once you have decided what you want.

To persuade and interest the viewer, the ideal video must tell a story. Instead of focusing just on your brand or driving sales, provide value to your customers to entice them to watch the video. To drive your slates in an expected way, you can purchase subscribers. You can get 500 subscribers hiring a growth service. Don’t buy too many subs at the same time.

2. Deciding Time Length

According to Google’s Consumer Barometer Tool, at least 21% of smart device users (clearly based on a sample pool) browse the internet seconds before making a purchase.

Many popular YouTube videos are now longer than 2 minutes, and the average consumer decides after seeing fascinating content for 8 seconds, or less if it is not.

However, the two other reasons mentioned above enhance your brand message at this moment. Make it simple, concise, and easy to understand.

That way, you can cover the impact and value potential of your product videos right away, which is a marketing event you want to be there at those buy micro-moments when customers are searching for them online.

This is where brand collaborations come in handy for leveraging the trust of other brands’ customers to bolster your product’s credibility.

For instance, they gave GoPro unrestricted access to Red Bull’s wild events, where everyone who’s anyone in Extreme Sporting shows their amazing skills.

So much so that skydiver Felix Baumgartner’s voyage to the brink of space for a 120,000 ft jump was covered only by GoPro.

The video was only 8 minutes long, yet it included everything an adrenaline junkie would want to see to gain attention. Look and you’ll see what I’m referring to.

In the initial few seconds, hook your customers. When making a video, a Video Maker gets a critical idea over in the first few seconds so that viewers understand what’s going on.

It must be able to hold the audience’s interest to persuade them to continue reading the story. Therefore you must think and act like a Video Maker.

There are many other variables at play here, but consider the product’s name: GO PRO, which implies that anyone can be a cinematographer.

This means that campaign themes and messages must be consistent with that viewpoint.

The top three videos on GoPro’s YouTube account have 102 million views. What do they concentrate on? Extreme sports, animals and natural, primitive human feelings are all examples of this.

Google Trends also shows that the product’s peak sales are in December (when emotions are at an all-time high) and July (the start of summer).

So, integrating these fascinating results, you arrive at the working hypothesis that your brand’s goal must correspond to the micro-moments of emotion that your target audiences are experiencing.

3. Have A Strategy For Distribution

A clear and well-thought-out distribution strategy (for each platform) is a very crucial aspect of video marketing. Before you make a video, you must make the following decisions:

  • Where will you contact the audience? (which platforms)
  • Will you collaborate with other brands/influencers? What exactly will you say to them (messaging and value proposition)? If so, what will their audience hear from them?
  • When will the posts be made available? (When is your audience on a particular platform the most active?)

Use a pre-recorded video to go live. On-demand videos may not be as entertaining as you expect them to be, and live videos might be risky because you never know what will happen during your live stream.

So why not combine the two? Going live with a pre-recorded video might be the answer.

Here’s how it works with planned videos:

  • Restream Scheduler allows you to upload your video.
  • Decide on a launch day and time.
  • Wait for your video to be broadcasted.

Make intriguing Video-on-Demand that aren’t too long. Video marketing methods have traditionally included on-demand videos.

Here are some ideas for making these types of videos.

Make the first 15 seconds of your video engaging. Always have subtitles on your videos in case they have auto-play or if you don’t have headphones. In the video, use your keywords (especially for YouTube)

You can edit and polish your videos before delivering them to your viewers using on-demand videos.

4. Marketing on Social Media

The importance of using video on social media cannot be overstated, according to marketers. According to a Facebook survey, 50 percent of Americans who use Facebook daily also watch at least one video on the network.

Tasty, a cookery video series from BuzzFeed, debuted in July 2015. A cooking channel that posts cooking content has 52 million likes on Facebook, and 2.2 billion views, making it one of the most popular Facebook publishers in recent months.

The consumer’s trust in a brand’s honesty is highly linked to video quality. A survey conducted by Brightcove a few years ago found that viewers are 62 percent more likely to form an unfavorable perception of a brand with poor-quality video, and 1 in 5 viewers would be hesitant to buy from a brand with poor-quality video.

For better understanding, GoPro was primarily presented as a cinema-worthy waterproof, panoramic picture tool, with quality being an integral part of the product pitch, but if you look at the frequency with which the device is upgraded, you’ll notice that quality is still an issue (almost yearly)

Use various channels to reach out to your target audience. Research and learn about your ideal clients through many marketing methods. It can both save you time and provide you with insight into what they require.

5. Include a CTA in the video

Your video must be able to tell the viewers about their next step. It must contain a call to action to lead them to your brand.

Give the viewer a call to action at the end of the video. What action do you want them to take after watching it?


When you put all of those fantastic facts together, you have the working premise that your brand’s goal must correspond to the micro-moment sentiments your target viewers will have when watching your video content. Because interest in the product has now been converted to respect and trust, the enormous impact of that synergy will automatically drive your audience to proceed to the potential value phase of acquisition or even upgrade to retention.

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